The Hidden Dangers of Constantly Running Your Air Conditioning Unit

As an HVAC expert with years of experience, I have witnessed many homeowners make the mistake of constantly running their air conditioning unit. While it may seem like a good idea to keep your home cool and comfortable, this can actually lead to some serious problems. According to Cool Today, constantly running your air conditioning unit can lower the pressure in the evaporator or cooling coil until it freezes. This can be dangerous because it can cause liquid refrigerant to return to the unit's compressor and damage it. This is why it's important to understand the potential dangers of constantly running your air conditioner.

The Role of Air Filters

One of the main reasons why your air conditioner may be constantly running is due to a dirty air filter.

Over time, dirt and dust can accumulate in the air filter, restricting the passage of air through the air conditioner and connected ducts. This means that cold air won't be able to reach all areas of your home, and instead will be blocked by the clogged air filter. Not only does this make your air conditioner work harder and run longer, but it also puts unnecessary strain on the system. This can lead to higher energy bills and potential damage to your unit.

The Importance of Proper Sizing

In some cases, constantly running your air conditioner may also be a sign that your unit is too small for your home. If this is the case, an HVAC repair technician may recommend installing a larger unit or even a mini-split air conditioner in addition to your current one. Having a properly sized air conditioner is crucial for maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home without putting too much strain on the system.

If your unit is too small, it will have to work harder and run longer to cool your home, which can lead to a variety of issues.

Regular Maintenance is Key

To avoid the dangers of constantly running your air conditioning unit, it's important to stay on top of regular maintenance. This includes changing your air filter regularly, typically every 1-3 months depending on usage and the type of filter you have. It's also important to have your unit inspected and serviced by a professional HVAC technician at least once a year. This will ensure that any potential issues are caught early on and can be addressed before they become bigger problems.


In conclusion, constantly running your air conditioning unit can lead to a variety of problems, including freezing the evaporator coil and damaging the compressor. It's important to understand the role of air filters and the importance of proper sizing when it comes to your unit.

And most importantly, regular maintenance is key in avoiding these potential dangers and keeping your air conditioner running efficiently.

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